Full-Time Teaching Position Available
We are looking for
One Spanish teacher & one Portuguese teacher
Working Place
Yubei Campus and/or Qijiang Campus of Chongqing Nanfang Translators College of SISU.
Term of contract
The employment contract shall be on a 12-month fixed-term basis, with the possibility of renewal.
Position requirement:
Teaching positions are open to native speakers below 60 years old, who are holders of a BA or MA or PhD degree. Degrees in languages, linguistics, literature, education, culture, or other relevant disciplines are preferred.
Applicants should have a minimum of 2 years teaching experience. The appointee should be qualified to teach speaking and writing courses for undergraduate programs.
Position responsibilities:
Teach speaking and writing courses for undergraduate programs, approximately 11-16 hours per week.
We provide furnished apartment inside school campuses.
Contact Information:
Emma Yin
E-Mail: sisunfwsc@126.com
TEL: 0086+ (023) 88790950 or 88791004
Mon. – Fri. 9am-11am, 3pm-5pm
Address: 18 Longshilu, Yubei District, Chonqing, P.R. China
Introduction of Chongqing Nanfang Translators College of SISU
Established in 2001, CNTC of SISU is a private independent college cofounded by Sichuan International University and Chongqing South Group. The College offers bachelor’s programs in various fields. Through more than 16 years of the faculty’s endeavor, the college has grown into a regionally recognized higher education institution in foreign languages with a mission to prepare innovative professionals to address the critical challenge of our times.
CNTC of SISU has successfully established a diverse, balanced, and distinctive mix of disciplines in the fields of literature, education, management, music, and arts, with language and literature as its pillar. CNTC of SISU have 8 schools, being School of English, School of Asian Studies, School of Western Studies ,School of International Business, School of literature and Journalism, School of Management, School of Art and School of Music.
CNTC has two campuses, located at Yubei and Qijiang. The Yubei campus is located in Liangjiang New Area, featuring convenient transit, complete functions and well-equipped facilities. The Qijiang Campus lies in the suburban Qijiang District,and provides modern residence halls and high-tech teaching buildings.Walking around the campus, you can enjoy the tranquil and beautiful environment.
5、 遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,在其原居住国内无法律纠纷,无犯罪记录(须出具正式证明材料)。
- 外籍教师任教期间,学校为外籍教师免费提供住宿。
- 根据学校具体情况,外籍教师可能需要到綦江校区任教。
联系电话:(023)88791004 (023)88790950(周一至周五 9:00-11:00, 15:00-17:00)
邮 箱:sisunfwsc@126.com
地址: 重庆市渝北区龙石路18号
四川外国语大学重庆南方翻译学院创立于2001年11月, 是一所纳入国家普通招生计划、具有学士学位授予权,经教育部批准的首批独立本科院校。经过十六年的建设,学院已发展成为以外语学科为优势,文、经、管、艺协调发展,致力于培养“通外语、精专业、重实践”的复合型、应用型人才的外语类院校。
南译已充分形成以语言类学科见长,文学、教育学、管理学、音乐、艺术等门类协调发展的学科格局,特色鲜明,多元并举。学校现有英语学院、西方语学院、 国际商学院、文学与新闻传播学院、管理学院、艺术学院、音乐学院八大学院。